Friday, October 30, 2009

The 3rd project is the basement. Apparently we had a water leak somewhere, when we returned home from vacation, we found mushrooms growing in the carpet downstairs. We had to strip the walls down to the frame (in about half of the basement) and the carpet had to be torn up and destroyed, to get all the mold and mushrooms out. We found a crack in the foundation cement and a crack across the floor of the basement (again cement). We have now fixed those cracks and applied sealer to the cement walls. There were 2 layers of stuff on the walls, the top layer was tongue and groove wood, the second layer was paneling. What a mess, the but no more mold or mushrooms.
We wear mask and eye protection when working in these conditions, but he seems to be having some respiratory problems, cough, wheezing, and is now on medication for that ( they are not sure if it is from the mold).
This has been a real team effort. We learn as we go. Life is good.

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