Sunday, December 20, 2009

The weekend before Christmas

The shopping is done, presents are wrapped (well almost), and time to play alittle.
Saturday & Sunday morn were spent again working in the basement It is coming along...

On Thursday Jay had found some tile on Craigslist for free, he called on it...and sent me to pick it up...150 sq. ft. that is a lot of tile, he wanted it for the bathroom floor, and it should work out just fine. But I don't think we need 150 sq. ft.

We were invited (and it was a surprise for this to happen )to my Moms house for dinner and gifts on Saturday afternoon. Actually went fairly well...It had been a few years since we had all been together for any holiday.


We saw the movie Avatar today, WOW ! special effects were awesome, story line with laughter and tears. With so much thought put into the details. Vibrant colors...this is one I am glad I saw.

And finally I am learning to put pictures into slide shows (avi). I have put a few of the vacation pics we took this last summer into a slide show...this is by no means all the pics we took during the 3 weeks we were gone....

Until next time....enjoy life, and have a very Merry Christmas

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