Monday, November 23, 2009

November 22,2009

As we continue to work on the basement (not much done this last week my me, viral infection throat and ear. then I lost my lower eyelashes, not sure which made me feel worse). He has almost finished framing in the duct work.
We took a trip to Gaston on Saturday, had found a deal on craigslist for ceiling lights that we could not pass up. so now when the time is available, we can replace all the ceiling lights in the hallways (6 of them). On Sunday we found free paint on craiglist, went to pick it up and there was much more, primer/sealer for sheetrock, interior and exterior paint (approx 40 gallons), cement patch (2 gallons). As you can see, we are really into recycling, and will pass on whatever we don't use or want. He is doing such a great job in the basement.

I continue to seek employment, would like to stay working as nurse, but not sure that will happen. I do plan on taking a few classes,to see if this will help.
The holidays are coming, and with that the colder weather.I need a warmer climate (I must be getting old). Maybe California or Arizona? Will have to think about that.

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