Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving has come and gone. No celebration here. We had planned on going out to eat, but time flies when you’re working, and
Jason never showed up to go with us, so it was the old stand by beans and hot dogs. There are many things I have to be thankful for,
And I don’t need a large meal to remind me of those things. I think back on Holidays from the past and all the family/friends around, all the catching up with everyone, and I do miss that part. Less family now that I am older and other ways to communicate make getting together less often the way of the present/future.

No riding again this weekend. Jay does ride during the week to work, when the weather is dry. I can’t stand the cold. Makes me a fair weather rider.

The basement again took up a great deal of our time this weekend. Finally finished closing in the duct work….Many corners to cut, measure over and over. I did try cutting sheet-rock, but Jay does it much better, steady pressure is the key to getting a good cut. Then all the screws, thank goodness for the drill, and all its accessories. It saves a lot of wear and tear on our arms. We work very well together, and time passes much too quickly with all the talking, laughing, breaks, and ideas bouncing around as we work. I had told Jay we would have our Christmas tree downstairs, well that won’t happen this year. But he has a much more positive approach, and thinks it will happen (or he is teasing me again).

He starts a new “run” at work next week. Saturday morning we spent several hours online, looking at maps, turns, and time points getting him setup for this. This time he goes all the way to Sauvies Island and back. For almost 2 complete round trips. And I continue to seek employment.

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