Monday, April 5, 2010

WOW time flies!

It has been awhile since my last update you..I am still looking for a job...several interviews...waiting for call backs, if they don't call, I will call them.
The last two Saturdays we have not worked at home. We went for a motorcycle ride with friends on 3/27/2010, great weather, actually went to the beach. This last Saturday was April Fools did fool us, we went by car (so did most of the others). The joke was that there was snow. It was great spending time getting to know our new friends better, but I am so glad I was not on my bike...TOO COLD. We continue to work on the bathroom. Painting is happening now. Vanity will go in sometime this week...Looking for a new bathroom sink faucet. well it is all for now..see you on facebook or here next time...

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