Sunday, March 14, 2010


No, I did not find a job....still unemployed...I don't care what anyone says or thinks, I know I have been working at finding a job...and yes I mean WORK!! This is not easy, It has been over a year since I had a job to go and work at. It would be much easier then what I do now. Do you know how hard it is to be rejected over and over? In most cases it is because of lack of recent clinical skills. I have not worked in a area where I would use most of my nursing skills in approx 10 years....who wants a nurse that has not used her skills?

Anyway....the excitement is we finally have a toilet in the bathroom (our bathroom), the public bathroom will be the one on the other side of the house...Thank you for understanding....

The shower will be done soon, ready to put the tile in ...just need to find the time to go shopping for, well that is something I like to do...its getting Jay to go with, and spend the time......Until next safe....and you can look for us on facebook....

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