Sunday, May 22, 2011

Life continues even for the unemployed.

I have been very busy with resumes,and yard work.I did have to take a class at work source Oregon on afternoon. Was not my best day. I had wanted to ride the bike, started out slipped in the mud, and down I went. I was not able to pick the bike up at that time by myself. So I went to the class by car. When I returned home the bike was still on its side. I watched several utube videos, went out and picked it up by myself.
Today we planned our garden, since I am home I have time to take care of it. Tomatoes were the issue, so we purchased something called topsy turvy?? this could be interesting.

The other issue we are handling at this time, is the neighbors dog! It chases us up the road when we drive by. There really is no way around this dog,chases us right into our yard. I know this is not fun. We have been handling this since riding bikes (over five years). The owner doesn't care.(the dog also sneaks up behind me when I am working in the yard) Animal control can only send him what are we to do.

I think I might have an interview next week, wish me luck...until next time, be safe.

Friday, May 6, 2011

It has been awhile since last post...

I started working in November 2010. The hours were long and being very busy, I failed to do any blogging. shame on me. I am back, with more time (I lost my job) so back to blogging. Christmas came and went with no problems. February, I heard my mom is not feeling well, and is now on oxygen all the time. She really doesn't care to see me, so I hear about her from my sister (Barbara). My mom can not stay alone anymore, so she is with Barbara and her husband Jim full time. With the 3 of them traveling from Portland to Medford as Barbs job takes them. I do miss her, and with mothers day this coming weekend, it does make it hard.
The job was so so, I like some of the people and will miss them. The company was not the greatest, no benefits.So I start looking all over again. wish me luck, and I will be back with updates soon.