Friday, May 6, 2011

It has been awhile since last post...

I started working in November 2010. The hours were long and being very busy, I failed to do any blogging. shame on me. I am back, with more time (I lost my job) so back to blogging. Christmas came and went with no problems. February, I heard my mom is not feeling well, and is now on oxygen all the time. She really doesn't care to see me, so I hear about her from my sister (Barbara). My mom can not stay alone anymore, so she is with Barbara and her husband Jim full time. With the 3 of them traveling from Portland to Medford as Barbs job takes them. I do miss her, and with mothers day this coming weekend, it does make it hard.
The job was so so, I like some of the people and will miss them. The company was not the greatest, no benefits.So I start looking all over again. wish me luck, and I will be back with updates soon.

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