Monday, July 28, 2014

UMCI Rally July 21,2014

Our first "rally" ever....We decided to attend the UMCI rally in Cashmere, Wa. Ready to go on Sunday the 20th bikes packed, trailer ready and at 9pm we go out to check the air in the tires. Jay had been complaining about some type of shaking in bike, when I got down to check the air in his back tire, he had nylon cords worn thru. Bald spots!!! No way to get tires that night or the next we take the car. Not a bad drive, bikes would have been fun....It rained off and on all week, we did some sight seeing, Leavenworth, Grand Coulee Dam....and Applets and cotlets.. Lots of nice people and many, many bikes.....home rain...

1 comment:

  1. Glad that Y'all found a motorhome that will work for you & Jay. We are currently traveling in Susie Rommel's motorhome from Apache Junction, AZ back up to the Portland, OR area. We flew down to ride back with her so she didn't have to make the trip by herself. She had to replace all 6 of her tires due to finding big gaps in the sidewall's where they were weather checked. As Susie saidbetter safe than sorry to the tune of just over $2400.00. Other than the tires we are enjoying our trip so far.
