Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jan 31st, wow a month already........

Busy week for us both. I did get my class done, so I am now a Certified ALF/RCF Administrator. Will see if that helps with finding employment. Jay has been busy with the bathroom, putting down wonder-board, and thin set mortar. Messy stuff. Well as he went along, he found that the floor right in front of the new shower stall, was weak. So what to do? Tear everything out and start over? go on and assume it will be ok? Well NO. Jay found a different way to manage this issue. The floor in the bathroom is the ceiling in the laundry room. He took out part of the ceiling, and reinforced the floor from underneath. Then he patched the ceiling, and I will do the clean up there this week.

Until next week, might see you on facebook, or I might be on a street corner handing out business cards, and SAFE.

New mattress came on Saturday, woke up this morning without a backache, first time in if this continues, I will be a happy camper.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Help! I'm still unemployed

As I continue to seek employment, Jay continues to work on the bathroom project (NO the basement is not done as with everything here, it is still a work in progress). No interviews last week and I did hand deliver several resumes (after sending by email). It is as he said, "to get me noticed". I am 5ft 8in and over 200lbs..I think people notice me. ( also sent out thank you cards to people I actually met face to face while delivering resumes). This coming week I am taking another class for a different certificate, that should help with the employment opportunities, will have to wait and see on that. But with having to do all this, I feel like I am working full time. Driving here and there, then to having to pay to have items faxed, even with me delivering in person...well that was too much. So with Jason's generous Christmas gift I was able to get a new item for the computer room. It scans, faxes, copies, prints and yes it can even be used as a telephone...It is a "all-in-one" unit. Jay thinks it belongs in a office...well at this point, this is my office, and it belongs here (I think he will use it too).

Jay has continued to make great progress on the bathroom, the dust from the wonderboard was a real problem for me. Breathing was not easy and my poor nose was so sore, eyes were red, to the point that Jay kept pointing it out to me...that I needed drops. Anyway this little slide show will show you just how much he has done.

As far as the "being noticed", that is a real issue now. We are trying to focus on portion size and control..Will let you know how it goes, also a very slow paced exercise routine to be started.

Facebook has been fun, lots of new friends, again this was something suggested for networking, and employment opportunities.

Until next safe, and maybe I will see you on FB.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jan 17, 2010 update....

Jan 9th we finally went away for the day...up early and packed a bag for the day and off to the beach. It wasn't crowded, no rain, and fairly warm. Several short walks, good food, so nice to be away.

The rest of the weekend we just bummed around the house.

Last week I decided to take a class thru WorkSource Clackamas (since I am not working).
The class was called Fast track, good class (2 days), many useful ideas on different way of getting your name out to people that do if you see me someplace talking to strangers and handing out business cards, that is part of my plan. It was also suggested to join FaceBook to help with networking, again getting others to see I am a active job seeker. Also covered updating resume looked like it belonged back in the 1980's...

This weekend was a stay at home time. Jay has been working in the bathroom, trying to get the floor done, so we would at least have a toilet on this side of the house. Apparently the sub-floor was not thick enough to put the wonder board on, so he has been taking care of now has to sit for 48 hours...then the wonder board can go down, the the tile...then TOILET.

until next time....look for us on FaceBook

Monday, January 4, 2010

5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Dec 29th "the snow event". 3 inches of snow in a very short period of time, caused many difficulties getting around the city. Buses out without chains, stuck in the snow, or moving very slow. He did not get stuck, was able to keep moving, went around another bus that could not make a hill... he is a GREAT DRIVER! Only 3 hours late....
Pics of snow in yard the next morning....

New Years Eve....spent a very quiet night at home, in bed early, only to find a broken window the next morning. The antenna blew off the house during the night and hit a window. I should say a storm window. With it being New years day, nothing was open for replacement glass. We were able to do the repair the following day.

Basement update...some sanding was done over the weekend.

With the new year comes new plans for vacation, he actually will sign up for that time off today....Not sure where we are going I am still seeking employment....but I am fairly sure it will be by motorcycle.....

until next safe, and enjoy life.........