Monday, January 4, 2010

5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Dec 29th "the snow event". 3 inches of snow in a very short period of time, caused many difficulties getting around the city. Buses out without chains, stuck in the snow, or moving very slow. He did not get stuck, was able to keep moving, went around another bus that could not make a hill... he is a GREAT DRIVER! Only 3 hours late....
Pics of snow in yard the next morning....

New Years Eve....spent a very quiet night at home, in bed early, only to find a broken window the next morning. The antenna blew off the house during the night and hit a window. I should say a storm window. With it being New years day, nothing was open for replacement glass. We were able to do the repair the following day.

Basement update...some sanding was done over the weekend.

With the new year comes new plans for vacation, he actually will sign up for that time off today....Not sure where we are going I am still seeking employment....but I am fairly sure it will be by motorcycle.....

until next safe, and enjoy life.........

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