Sunday, August 15, 2010


If you have not heard of my brush of fear with the "BAT" ...(and Jay staying in the bedroom until I caught the little bugger) I know Jay says it took him that long to get dressed...
as it goes, I was on the couch watching TV, when I heard a first I thought someone was trying to break I got up and turned on the I did, I saw a "BAT" come out of the it is dive bombing me...
I run up stairs to wake Jay....he tell me to close all the upstairs doors, so it can't get in the as I am doing comes the BAT....I am screaming for Jay to come help me....but he is still in the bedroom. ..(says he was getting dressed)...I continue with the screaming...and the BAT keeps flying around me....this seems like it goes on for hours....but maybe 5 to 10 minutes...finally I get a blanket to throw over the BAT...several throws later...I get the BAT in the blanket and then Jay comes out of the bedroom....I roll up the blanket ....take it out side and throw it so the BAT will fly away.....Jay does then go up on the roof at about midnight to cover the chimney.....I did not get much sleep....was worried it would happen to bed early tonight...and NO BATS PLEASE!

Since the night of the Bat....Jay has made a cover for the chimneys, and installed it. We can still use both fireplaces...

I am still unemployed, still applying for anything, and everything (well almost everything).

We are planning on vacation ...leaving Sept 17th about 12ish.....taking the bikes and trailer heading down the coast into California...I love the coast and have not seen central and southern California the plan is to camp and travel the coast...stop and see/do/eat...

This weekend is to darn hot!!!! we are out and about in the mornings...then hibernate in the afternoons... Last eve we did go out for a short ride just to get some fresh air, as we also did this morning.....

There is more news....but that can wait until later....
catch me on facebook or .....bye for now...

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