Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday August 22, 2010

Jay had a 3 day weekend, and he spent it taking care of me....The plan had been to go camping....but I ended up not feeling well, so he pretty much spent his time off taking care of me...He is just wonderful...I feel so lucky to have him in my life....

Last night we made a late night run for a of his favorites is curly fries....
me I like ice it was a milk shake for nice to be with my favorite guy...
Today he helped me change the coolant in my motorcycle...took us about an hour. Then we just puttered around the house doing things...nothing special...just spending time together....

a few weeks ago...I had mentioned about someone raining on my parade..well I let that happen again....I really need to learn to let go....and not take it personally, when others are rude, mean, sarcastic, self centered etc.....I am a born to worry....
Treat others only as you would want to be treated in the same situation. (golden rule).

Finally if you have not already heard....


we have been together for approx 5 years....this is a very good thing....

if you don't think so ....well....suck eggs!!!!!

catch me on face book or ....until then bye....

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