Sunday, October 3, 2010

2010 wedding and honeymoon

We have had a busy few weeks here. We were married on September 16, 2010, 4 family members were in attendance. No flowers/no frills just me and my sweetie…We left that afternoon on a 2 week motorcycle road trip. I had wanted to do the coast, hwy 101 to hwy 1 and back….The first few days it rained. I broke a lawn chair, forgot towels for showers…So a trip to the store was needed, we decided to get two chairs, so we carried 3 chairs all the way…I kept trying to leave the old one behind, but he caught me each time…The chairs became his for packing and unpacking…. Everything got soaking wet, and I was cold. We were camping all the way. So it was decided that we would just hold up for a few days, and try and wait out the rain. Worked fairly well. With pulling the trailer speed is slowed down and with breaks for coffee, gas, food, seeing thru the rain drops, and stopping/slowing for construction made riding very slow. Some days only 100 miles….finally better weather, and a little accident, (I went down with slight damage to bike, but scared me) only bruises, I was wearing my leathers, and frogg toggs, so well padded. Will have to retire that helmet… I did little damage to the bike, scratches mostly, will need to replace starter button, neck cover, and mirrors. Stayed 2 nights at a campground call Emerald Forest, just out of Trinidad ….great little place, very green with ferns over 7 ft tall…. (better price then state parks), wifi, showers, electricity,…that’s all I require. Went down to Samoa Cookhouse for dinner one night, great food. I love the Arcata/Eureka area…and Mckinly square, great for people watching. Found alittle tee shirt place, and small cafĂ©, great sandwiches…..Clam Beach, is another of my favs….long beautiful sandy beach…I have been through that area 3 times now, and I never tire of it…..Stopped to take pics of Golden Gate Bridge, apparently from the locals it was a very nice/clear day for viewing….again we found construction on the road to go view the bridge…mud…dirt…OH the bikes are so dirty….Finally down to Monterey Bay. WOW beautiful area, but so crowded. Apparently we arrived with the heat wave and everyone was out. We camped while in the area at Laguna Seca campground (Mazda raceway), kinda cool checking out the race track. Sunday ….Headed back also on hwy 1, left Monterey early and reached San Francisco at approx. 1pm. It took us 2 hours to travel 15 miles, during that time, I had all my accessories on, running down the battery. My arms and hands were aching from using the brake and the clutch so much, that I killed the bike….and it would not start. This was on the last approach to the Golden Gate Bridge going north…and on a hill….cars, traffic, people yelling, nobody was happy. I was trying to push my bike up the hill and out of the way. Finally a man stopped and helped push the bike up the hill to level ground and a wider place to park.

I was attempting to call Honda riders club for help…when CalTran came to help me and get me out of the way….Jay was ahead of me, and did not know this was happening. I had never started the bike by popping the clutch…but the guy from caltran told me how to do it….and it worked….also turned off my accessories, and let the bike run with rpms up for abit, called Jay on cell phone, and he was waiting for me at rest area as we had planned. After all of this we went on to Petaluma, and stayed the night. Omg did I need a drink that night.

Monday, we started out again up hwy 101…we stopped at a rest area mid afternoon for a break, when we went to leave, my bike would not start…the starter button would not work….Jay spent 2 hours in the sun (no shade) 90+ degrees working on my bike…finally got the button to work enough so that we could go on…..stopped in Eureka that night, (stayed another 2 nights there….love the area) and got the bike into get it fixed the next morning….they did not have the part that was needed…but the guy there put a spacer in where the ball bearing was to be…and it has worked enough to get me home….Jay went to college in Arcata, and knows the area fairly well. Always showing me something different each time we go there.

Each day was different, not sure about the rain, or how hot it would be……dressing in layers, ready for anything, sometimes it was just the fog that would get us wet…..We saw a lot, rode a lot, and Jay pulled the trailer all the way. After the fall I took, rebuilding my confidence took some time…I did get right back on…but was slower then normal.

The time with Jay is great, I will admit that I get upset, and irritable when things don’t go right…the rain was a real pain….once we got dry…3 or 4 days later, all is well and good..but sleeping in a wet sleeping bag…on a wet mattress is not my idea of fun….and the bike….I was ready to sell it….and might still be talked into it…..we did have a good time mixed in with all the other stuff….He is great about putting it all right…fixing things, and making me see there is another day of good riding ahead….look to the future….and make the best of what is happening now….How did I get so lucky??? He braided my hair for me daily, made me coffee, shared his whiskey with me, made me laugh and kept me going…. After being gone for 2 weeks…our faces are tan…we lived thru it all, and are home safe…

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