Sunday, October 10, 2010

Oct 10, 2010

Another week, and I am still unemployed....Had a interview (2 interviews same company) last week, did not get the job, but was recommended to another company...Will see where that goes.

Have been busy with cleaning up from our little my bike, I forgot to mention in the last post that my frogg toggs melted on my much fun to clean off. Ordered parts for repairs, they should be here sometime this coming week. It won't take me long to install once they are here.

Had a birthday last week....Roses and ballon, with lunch out from my sweetie...he is just wonderful.....yes another year older...Sometimes I really feel it...

There were other pics taken at the wedding, but Jason had been put in charge of pictures...his idea of pics, and mine...are much about 1/3 of the pics were trash....THANK YOU JASON!!!! It was an important day for me....but apparently...he had different feelings....

On a more positive note....I was asked to volunteer for GWRRA as historian for the next 2 years...could be fun...and I have time...the position as editor is also open...have been thinking about it....This last GWRRA meeting was the best we have been changes are chapter blood into the group....nice.... let us hope I get this next job....
check back here or find me on fb...

bye for now...

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