Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving week here was very quiet. No turkey or the usual "stuff". Since finding out we both have diabetes and very high A1Cs, we go for the light side of food. BBq steak, smashed sweet potatoes with pecans, green salad, and cherry almond pie. It was very good, but as Jay would say "there wasn't enough". we have been busy working on the latest bike. Heated hand grips were not working, and one of the reasons for getting the bike was for that comfort. we ended up taking the top part of the bike apart, to only find that everything seemed to be ok, after we put the bike back together they worked a mystery, maybe the motorcycle gremlins were playing with something. Next step was to get new tires on the bike, we decided to do as much as we could ourselves. we were able to get the wheels off, take them to a motorcycle shop and have the new tires mounted, we are using something called "dynabeads" for balancing the tires. will let you know more about that later. Many projects going on, remodeling the lower floor, can't wait to be able to sit down there in front of the wood stove. we are continuing to attempt to get some exercise every day. when raining I walk some in our area. He gets on his bicycle and rides. I have lost 20 lbs in 2 months, and he has lost 15 lbs in about the same time period. So looking forward to spring and warmer weather. I will try and get other pics of the bike and get them posted soon.... until next time....

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