Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

Finally Christmas is over. It seems to be such a stressful time. The day was spent fairly quiet. Jason was here, dinner (buffet style), presents, and movies. We received items for our motorcycles. We installed the belly pan on Jays bike today (the belly pan protects the underside of the bike/engine in case it were to rub on the ground). Directions said 10 mins...well it was more like 30 in 35 degree weather. Other items can wait to be installed when the weather warms alittle.

Until next time enjoy life...looking forward to a great new year...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The weekend before Christmas

The shopping is done, presents are wrapped (well almost), and time to play alittle.
Saturday & Sunday morn were spent again working in the basement It is coming along...

On Thursday Jay had found some tile on Craigslist for free, he called on it...and sent me to pick it up...150 sq. ft. that is a lot of tile, he wanted it for the bathroom floor, and it should work out just fine. But I don't think we need 150 sq. ft.

We were invited (and it was a surprise for this to happen )to my Moms house for dinner and gifts on Saturday afternoon. Actually went fairly well...It had been a few years since we had all been together for any holiday.


We saw the movie Avatar today, WOW ! special effects were awesome, story line with laughter and tears. With so much thought put into the details. Vibrant colors...this is one I am glad I saw.

And finally I am learning to put pictures into slide shows (avi). I have put a few of the vacation pics we took this last summer into a slide show...this is by no means all the pics we took during the 3 weeks we were gone....

Until next time....enjoy life, and have a very Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday Dec 16,2009

We have continued to work on the basement. We did take last weekend off for some shopping, rest, spending time with Jason. We had dinner here and watched a couple of movies. I think everyone had a good time.

Finally to the end of the sheetrock, what a mess that stuff is. All the measuring, cutting and screwing...seemed like it would never be done.

Now on to Christmas, just starting to decorate, putting up the Christmas stockings, no tree yet, but soon to come. It will just be a small tree this year. I have finished with my X-mas shopping, just some wrapping to do.

a few more pics of the basement....

Last wall to do....

Until next time....enjoy life....

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving has come and gone. No celebration here. We had planned on going out to eat, but time flies when you’re working, and
Jason never showed up to go with us, so it was the old stand by beans and hot dogs. There are many things I have to be thankful for,
And I don’t need a large meal to remind me of those things. I think back on Holidays from the past and all the family/friends around, all the catching up with everyone, and I do miss that part. Less family now that I am older and other ways to communicate make getting together less often the way of the present/future.

No riding again this weekend. Jay does ride during the week to work, when the weather is dry. I can’t stand the cold. Makes me a fair weather rider.

The basement again took up a great deal of our time this weekend. Finally finished closing in the duct work….Many corners to cut, measure over and over. I did try cutting sheet-rock, but Jay does it much better, steady pressure is the key to getting a good cut. Then all the screws, thank goodness for the drill, and all its accessories. It saves a lot of wear and tear on our arms. We work very well together, and time passes much too quickly with all the talking, laughing, breaks, and ideas bouncing around as we work. I had told Jay we would have our Christmas tree downstairs, well that won’t happen this year. But he has a much more positive approach, and thinks it will happen (or he is teasing me again).

He starts a new “run” at work next week. Saturday morning we spent several hours online, looking at maps, turns, and time points getting him setup for this. This time he goes all the way to Sauvies Island and back. For almost 2 complete round trips. And I continue to seek employment.

Monday, November 23, 2009

November 22,2009

As we continue to work on the basement (not much done this last week my me, viral infection throat and ear. then I lost my lower eyelashes, not sure which made me feel worse). He has almost finished framing in the duct work.
We took a trip to Gaston on Saturday, had found a deal on craigslist for ceiling lights that we could not pass up. so now when the time is available, we can replace all the ceiling lights in the hallways (6 of them). On Sunday we found free paint on craiglist, went to pick it up and there was much more, primer/sealer for sheetrock, interior and exterior paint (approx 40 gallons), cement patch (2 gallons). As you can see, we are really into recycling, and will pass on whatever we don't use or want. He is doing such a great job in the basement.

I continue to seek employment, would like to stay working as nurse, but not sure that will happen. I do plan on taking a few classes,to see if this will help.
The holidays are coming, and with that the colder weather.I need a warmer climate (I must be getting old). Maybe California or Arizona? Will have to think about that.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Basement update

We have been spending a great deal of time working on the basement. Down to bear walls now, all insulation is out. Needed to be replaced, found some mold under a few sheets of the insulation.

as you can see we are making some progress..

Jay started framing in the heat duct today, it was showing before (unsightly), now will be covered..he is doing a great job.

We have purchased most of the supplies we need, still need to get paint, and have carpet installed after all is said and done.

should be done next spring, we are putting the bathroom on hold for a few months...
No motorcycle riding this weekend, but he did get a new leather jacket for riding..very nice.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Travel by bus

Since I'm not working at present,I find the need to get out and about, and what better way then by bus. I try to find the friendliest bus driver, and set out to see the sights.

The view from the bridge is great.

Over decorated homes...

Graffiti or Art....

good places to eat..

and just great sights in general...

But there is no place like home..??

Friday, October 30, 2009

The 3rd project is the basement. Apparently we had a water leak somewhere, when we returned home from vacation, we found mushrooms growing in the carpet downstairs. We had to strip the walls down to the frame (in about half of the basement) and the carpet had to be torn up and destroyed, to get all the mold and mushrooms out. We found a crack in the foundation cement and a crack across the floor of the basement (again cement). We have now fixed those cracks and applied sealer to the cement walls. There were 2 layers of stuff on the walls, the top layer was tongue and groove wood, the second layer was paneling. What a mess, the but no more mold or mushrooms.
We wear mask and eye protection when working in these conditions, but he seems to be having some respiratory problems, cough, wheezing, and is now on medication for that ( they are not sure if it is from the mold).
This has been a real team effort. We learn as we go. Life is good.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The 2nd project that came along this last summer was repairs on his motorcycle. We took our bikes in for new tires. With his bike, they found so many things wrong with it, he could not ride it home. They said take it home to "die". Vacation was 2 weeks away, and there was very little time to work on his bike. We did try, but we kept finding one problem after another that needed repair. We have most of the parts we need to get this bike up and running. We work on it 2 or 3 hours at a time here and there. ( that is way he purchased another bike before the vacation trip)

Home projects......

We have 3 different projects going on in our home. First we started remodeling the bathroom on the second floor last May(2009), and is not usable yet! (we use the bathroom on the 3rd floor on the other side of the house, so many stairs) We spent most of last Saturday working on the bathroom. When we started this we stripped the bathroom to bear walls, we are almost at the point of starting with the tile on the walls, and floor...I have taken pictures every step of the way. He is great with this type of thing, just takes time.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We have done several trips this year, from one day to 3 weeks. The 3 weeks was approx 3900 miles. Day trips usually 200 to 300 miles. Jay did get a different bike, it is so much more reliable and fun for him to ride. We also purchased a very small camp trailer to take with us on our travels.
I am still on my own bike, and follow along. We have cb's, with microphones and speakers in our helmets. Makes it much easier to let the other know when we need to stop, or if we have made a wrong turn. Jay also has a gps on his bike, but I am not very trusting of it sometimes....sends us in directions that take longer to get to same destination.
With the weather turning colder, not many rides planned. But will update on other activities as we go along.

This is one run we have planned to do this winter. We did it last year, and it was rain or snow, dressed warm.
DECEMBER 5, 2009
Place: Tri.Met 4012 SE 17th, Portland, Oregon
30th Annual Toy Run... A benefit for the Shriners Hospital for Children by A.B.A.T.E. of OREGON, Inc. S.E & Twin River Chapters... Tri -Met, 4012 SE 17th... SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th... Meet at 10:00AM Ride Leaves at 12:30... **Tri.Met 4012 SE 17th, Portland** Bring an unwrapped toy and $10 for a raffle ticket to win a Harley...Raffle Tickets are $10.00 ea. 5,000 Tickets Sold... Do not have to be present to win... Drawing at Noon, Dec. 5, 2009 for 2009 Harley Davidson “Fat Boy”... 1st Prize: 2009 Harley Fat Boy... 2nd Prize: 2009 Honda Vino Scooter... 3rd Prize: Riding Apparel $500 Value... (Donated by Hog Haven Leathers)... Net proceeds from raffle are used to purchase equipment for kids at the hospital... Info: Edd: (503) 771-0188 Glenn (503.916.9412 Mike (503) 255-5415 Shag (503) 695-3460 Sanctioned by A.B.A.T.E. of Oregon, Inc. Sanctioning Committee... Contributions or gifts to A.B.A.T.E. of Oregon, Inc. are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes....
Sponsored by A.B.A.T.E. of Oregon, Inc.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Well winter is here, and I thought I would give a try at this. We went on a motorcycle ride last weekend. Up Hwy 224 to Detroit, then down hwy 22 to hwy 213 and then home.
It was a little cold in Detroit, so stopped and got coffee, went down to Detroit lake to have lunch, I had packed a pic-nick, Jay packs the drinks, this time it was Diet rip it for him and diet mountain dew for me (next time it will be hot coffee or chocolate)). Great ride even if a little cool out. Made several stops on the way home for coffee. We were cold. Jay does have heated seat and handle bar grips, but I just have my Leathers to keep me warm. all in all it was a great day.