Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday July 25, 2010

Good afternoon,
Well again we are not very loud or doing alot...
I have been trying to get more exercise, and watch what I eat alittle closer this last that makes Jay eat better....He is down 6 lbs in the last week...I am down 5lbs..both still have a lot more to lose, but you need to start someplace. The neighbor brought over some fresh berries that she had picked today. They were great!!! she grows them in her back yard.
Today we worked on the 1200 goldwing, it has been sitting on blocks in the garage since last summer. long story made short is that I talked with someone who told me how to fix was easy...the hard/long part was trying to remember where the rest of the parts went/ and how to put it back together...10 hours of work runs/ rear wheel turns/goes thru the gears while up on now to finish with all the fairing.. and take it for a test ride...

Yesterday (Saturday) we did our first poker run. It was the Ruckus for rescue of dogs. It was fun...met some nice folks from GWTA (a Goldwing group)
And there were others we knew from the GWRRA (the group we belong to), so all in all was a good ride...morning was nice....Very Hot in the afternoon....was glad to get home.....

I have had 2 interviews with the same company for the same position....this next Thursday is the next interview with the COO of the company....Please keep me in your thoughts....

Until next time....

OH the pic is of the last stop for the poker run...Jay took 2 pictures and that was the best...

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